Not so bad ending

As I left the hospital, the fresh air hit my face—or what was left of it, now sculpted in a way I barely recognized. Each step I took was a mix of pain and strangeness, as my newly transformed body adapted to the new reality. The life I knew had ended there, in that clinic. Now, a new journey awaited me. There was no turning back.

“Roberta,” I thought, the name echoing in my mind like a sentence. Maria had won, but I wasn’t completely defeated. I needed to regroup, think fast. The money, the scam, the freedom… there was still time to regain control. Only now, I would have to play a different game.

How did I get here?

My partner and I were about to commit the crime of the century. Everything was meticulously planned. We had bought passports from countries where it was easy to get a new name, places with lenient laws and no extradition. The next step? Simple! A few cosmetic surgeries, assume new identities, and disappear, living the rest of our lives as wealthy ghosts.

But Maria didn’t know one thing: I also had a secret plan. She had no idea about my intention to get rid of her and keep all the money. A final, flawless move.

We arrived at the clinic. It was discreet but state-of-the-art. I have to admit, I found the amount of equipment in the room strange for a simple facial procedure. Something else was going on, but I let it slide, trusting the doctor’s reputation as a facial reconstruction specialist. As we were getting ready, Maria sat with me, calmly in the corner of the room. She smiled at me as the nurses began to administer the anesthesia. Her smile had something enigmatic, but I ignored it... until she said something that made my heart race: "Sweet dreams, darling. When you wake up, you'll be beautiful."

My mind raced, but the darkness of the anesthesia swallowed me before I could fully process her words.

When I woke up, the pain hit me like a sledgehammer. My whole body felt like it had been torn apart and grotesquely put back together. My legs, my arms, my face… everything was covered in bandages, and it felt like every part of me had been cut and stitched back differently. I could barely move, and panic started to set in.

Then I saw her. Maria was by my side, wearing a victorious smile, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "You thought I wouldn’t find out about your little plan to discard me, didn’t you, darling?" For a moment, the pain was eclipsed by the shock. What had she done to me? Did she leave me disfigured? Trapped in some sort of eternal prison, unable to move or escape?

But what came next was far, far worse. She pulled out a passport from her pocket and began to open it slowly, savoring the moment. "Congratulations, Roberta," she said, laughing with a malice I had never seen in her before. "You are now officially a new person."

My breath caught in my throat. Roberta? The name echoed in my head, but Maria continued, each word like a dagger in my new reality. "You’re shorter now, your face sculpted like a doll’s, a nose fit for a princess... Oh, and of course, we took away your little friend down there. And to top it all off, the doctor made sure you’ve got a lovely big pair of silicone breasts." She laughed, relishing every syllable, while I, horrified, began to grasp the extent of what she had done.

I tried to move my arms, but the pain was unbearable. I looked down, and the shock hit me like a punch in the gut. Even under the bandages, I could see the outline of breasts, large and definitely mine now. My voice came out weak and trembling: "What... what did you do?"

Maria just tilted her head, her smile cold as ice. "I remade you, darling. Just like you wanted to remake your life without me. But now you’ll live this new life in a way you never imagined. And guess what... all the money? It’s staying with me. But don’t worry, you’ll have your new identity, just like we planned... only now as a woman. How’s that for a twist?"

My thoughts were spinning out of control, but my body, so fragile and different, refused to react. It wasn’t just my face; my entire body had been transformed. Everything I had planned — the perfect crime, the perfect escape — was now crumbling before me. I had underestimated Maria… and now I would pay the price.

Then, as if savoring every bit of my humiliation, she leaned in closer, her breath warm on my ear as she whispered: "Enjoy your new life, Roberta. Maybe you’ll even like it."


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