Dialing the wrong number

Wait a minute... Are you telling me you're Dr. White? That our time travel study was correct, but we didn’t have the technology to build the machine? How did this even happen? And why, for the love of God, are you in Miss Paula’s body?

Yes, I know it sounds crazy. But please, listen carefully. Our theory was right. But with the limited funding we had, we were forced to create something... more modest." — Paula’s soft voice sounded strange with Dr. White's serious tone. "At best, we managed to create a device that allowed us to communicate with different time periods, moving a few years into the future, trying to borrow advanced technologies from there and bring them back to our 'present'.

And that worked? You were borrowing technology from the future... and no one noticed?

At first, yes. We kept improving the technology, increasing our ability to communicate through time, but..." — he hesitates for a second, looking down at his delicate hands, as if still not used to the swap. "Our future timeline began to destabilize. Paradoxes started forming. Small things at first, but then...

Paradoxes? My God, Dr. White, that’s basic! We always said messing with time would cause complications!

I know! I know... and that’s why we came up with a radical idea. Instead of continuing to meddle with the future, I would travel to the past. We thought that if I could transfer my consciousness into my younger self, we could fix the errors before it was too late." — he sighs, as if still processing the disaster. "But things didn’t go exactly as planned...

Clearly! So how did you end up in... Paula’s body?

The simplified version of our device allowed us to send brainwaves through a simple phone call, transferring one’s consciousness to whoever was on the other end. The plan was that, on the specific date we chose, my younger self would answer the phone... But I forgot one crucial detail: Miss Paula was in my office at that exact moment, going over notes for me.

Wait, so you called... and she answered?

Exactly. And here I am, stuck in the past, in her body. To make things worse, our brainwaves weren’t exactly compatible. The result? I’ve forgotten a significant portion of the critical information I had from the future... and I can’t go back." — he looks at you with a frustrated gleam in his eyes. "I’m stuck here. And, apparently, in this body.

This is... a disaster. How are we going to fix this? And what about Paula? Is she in your body now?

Most likely, yes... and I imagine she’s just as confused as I am. But while we’re here, we need to find a way to recover the information I lost and reverse this." — he steps closer, his hands now gently touching his own feminine face. "Before it’s too late. Because if I stay like this much longer... the transfer could become permanent.

Alright, we’ll figure something out. But for now, we have to be extremely cautious. To avoid creating any more paradoxes, we have to alter as little as possible about the flow of time. We can’t draw too much attention." — he pause, giving Dr. White a long look. "Oh, and by the way... We are having a dinner tonight.

At that moment, Dr. White's eyes widen in sudden realization. He glances down, feeling the slight pressure of tight fabric and lace beneath his clothes. "So that’s why... all this... preparation."

He touches the waistband of the skirt, suddenly all too aware of the delicate undergarments beneath it. "Paula had a reason for dressing up so carefully."


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