FeMMCorp (interactive caption [working again!])

This is an interactive caption that will fill the "blog post" area, sometimes you must scroll down to see the next options! Enjoy and please leave your opinion about this in the comment section!


Good morning Sir, welcome to FeMMCorp. I'm Jannet can I ask your name?

Hello Jannet, my name is

Nice to meet you, ! Welcome to our company!

Do you have an appointment with us?

Please choose one of the options above to proceed and help us understand how we can assist you better!

Please Mr. proceed to that corridor, enter the 3rd door. Enjoy your stay.

Hello Mr. , I'm Doctor Silva.

Sign all the papers and step inside this machine

"Devo admitir, a ideia da minha esposa foi, sem dúvida, brilhante. Esse tratamento experimental superou qualquer expectativa que eu poderia ter, e ela está se certificando de que eu tire o máximo proveito dessa experiência. Eu pensava que entendia o que ela passava, mas agora vejo que estava longe disso. As mudanças de humor, os desejos, as emoções — tudo faz muito mais sentido para mim agora. É como se uma nova sensibilidade tivesse despertado em mim, e estou mais atento aos seus problemas, mais disponível para ouvi-la e, mais importante, para realmente aprender com ela.

Nossa relação está evoluindo de maneiras que eu jamais imaginaria. Conversamos mais profundamente, e sinto que estou começando a enxergar o mundo pela perspectiva dela, algo que eu jamais teria conseguido como homem. Meus sentidos estão mais aguçados, meu corpo reage de formas diferentes, e essa nova vulnerabilidade me fez perceber o quanto eu negligenciei aspectos importantes de nossa convivência.

Ah, e claro, ela não perde a oportunidade de se divertir um pouco com isso. Outro dia, enquanto conversávamos sobre tudo o que estou aprendendo, ela soltou uma risada e sugeriu, quase casualmente: ‘Talvez você devesse experimentar uma lingerie mais atraente, quem sabe isso te ajude a entender ainda mais.’ E sabe o que é mais louco? Parte de mim está realmente considerando a ideia."

"Wow, it's just wonderful. Being a woman is everything I've ever dreamed of, and more. For years I've harbored this desire in secret, not having the courage to express it, not knowing if I'd ever have the chance to experience it. Now, here I am, finally in the body I've always wanted. Every sensation is new, but at the same time, strangely familiar. It's like I'm discovering a part of myself that's been hidden for so long.

What surprises me the most is the freedom I feel. The way my body moves, the clothes I choose to wear, the way I see myself in the mirror... everything makes sense in a way I never could as a man. With each moment, I feel more like myself, more true to myself. I'm ready to embrace this new reality with body and soul.

Now, I'm waiting for my old friend. The anxiety is enormous, but I'm excited to share this new part of myself with him. Not as a curiosity or something temporary, but as who I really am now. And do you know the best part of all? I'm determined to make the most of this experience. Every day is a new discovery, and I'm not afraid of what's coming. It's like a whole life is waiting for me, and I can't wait to live it to the fullest."

Things at work have changed a lot since the company transformed me as part of the experimental program. Before, I thought I understood what women went through, but now, living in their shoes, I see how wrong I was. Every look, every underhanded comment, everything carries a weight I could never have imagined. It’s suffocating to realize how so many men around me, coworkers I considered friends, have turned out to be true sexist pigs.

The most surprising thing, however, is what I feel internally. Contrary to what I thought would happen, I don’t feel vulnerable or fragile. On the contrary: I feel a quiet strength within me, a confidence I’ve never experienced before. I feel beautiful, confident, and, strangely, at peace with who I am now. It’s not just my appearance that has changed, but something inside me as well.

And honestly, I’ve been thinking about going out with one of my male colleagues. Not to prove anything to them, but to show myself how much I’ve changed. It’s like I want to explore this new version of myself, without fear, without restraints. I’m different, completely. And maybe the world around me needs to see that too.

Next time, I’m definitely going to wait until I get home. Would signing those papers and stepping into a mysterious machine end up in a situation like this? Before I could figure out what was happening, I was enveloped in a bright light, and now… well, now I’m like this—turned into a woman!

The worst part is that this wasn’t even close to what I had planned for the day. Now, on top of dealing with this completely bizarre new reality, I have to figure out how to explain it to my mom. ‘Mom, you’re not going to believe what happened at work today…’ No, that’s not going to work!

Seriously, how am I going to get out of this? Does the machine have an ‘undo’ hidden somewhere? Or am I going to have to live like this forever? One thing’s for sure: I’m never signing anything without reading it again. And I guess the next step is to figure out how to adapt… at least until I find a solution. But first, I have to figure out how I’m going to face my mom at Sunday dinner. That’s going to be hard to explain…


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