City boy, country girl

Francis had always been a city boy. With a degree in agronomy, he believed he was about to make good money, but the saturated market ended up frustrating his plans. This led him to seek new opportunities in the countryside, moving to the farm of a well-known farmer, a friend of his father. Full of enthusiasm and modern ideas, he introduced himself as a researcher and soon set out to transform the rudimentary, chemical-free farm into a field of experiments.

“We will triple the milk production,” Francis promised confidently. To prove his theory, he began feeding one of the cows an innovative compound he had created himself, full of animal supplements. “It is completely safe for human consumption,” he assured his boss.

The farmer, suspicious but curious, replied: “Do whatever you want, but the milk from this cow will be discarded. And if you want to prove that it is safe, you can drink it as much as you want.”

Francis accepted the challenge with gusto. Every day, he drank the “special” milk, believing he was on the verge of a great discovery. And indeed, at first everything seemed wonderful: the cow was producing more milk than ever. He could already imagine headlines with his name and innovation awards.

But a few weeks later, things started to look... different. First, Francis noticed his skin getting smoother and softer. "Okay, who wouldn't want baby skin?" he thought, staring at the mirror. Then, his hair grew much faster than normal, gaining an enviable shine. "Even better! I'll save a lot of money on salon shampoo!"

But then, the unexpected happened: the hair on his body started to disappear. His beard, which he had meticulously cared for, disappeared overnight. And, as if that weren't enough, the fat on his body started to redistribute itself in a curious way. The firm muscles gave way to more rounded shapes, especially on his hips and chest. "This is strange," he thought, but still with a certain positivity: "There are people who pay a lot of money for surgeries and hormones to have a slimmer body."

But things started to get really weird when he woke up one day with extremely tender chests. And swollen. VERY swollen. Within days, he had large breasts that no longer fit into his work clothes. At that point, he decided it was time to see the local doctor.

After a series of tests, the doctor, with an expression somewhere between comical and perplexed, told him: “Francis, your female hormone levels are through the roof. I have no idea how it happened, but it seems like your body… is changing.”

Stunned, Francis found himself in the midst of a series of changes he had never prepared himself for. Now, on top of dealing with the farm, he had to deal with the fact that his own body was literally transforming him into a different person.

When Francis returned to the doctor's office to get the results, he was nervous but hopeful that it was all a misunderstanding or something that could be easily fixed. The doctor, with that look on his face that is typical of someone who has difficult news, began:

"I have good news and bad news, Francis. The good news is that your tests are perfect... for a woman's hormone levels."

Francis's eyes widened in disbelief. "And the bad news?" he asked in a small voice.

"The bad news is that your body is no longer producing male hormones correctly. Something has altered your hormonal functions significantly."

Feeling the weight of the situation, Francis took a deep breath and told the doctor about the experimental compound and the cow's milk he had been consuming. The doctor, frowning, cautiously suggested:

"Well, the first thing you should do is stop drinking that milk immediately. Let's wait a few months and see if your body starts to reverse these changes on its own. Then we can start hormone therapy to try to restore balance."

Francis thanked him and returned to the farm, trying to figure out what to do next. When he arrived, he looked for his boss and told him everything that had happened. He was embarrassed, but he could no longer hide what was happening to his body.

The farmer, to his surprise, was extremely understanding. Scratching his chin, he thought for a moment and said: "Well, young man, you can reduce your activities on the farm until you recover. Don't worry, I'll understand if you need some time. And look, since your clothes are tight, why don't you use my daughter's room? She left home a long time ago, got married and left a lot of clothes behind. I think they'll fit you better, at least until you get back to normal."

Francis blinked a few times, surprised by the unusual suggestion, but the discomfort of his clothes was real. "Well, maybe it's a good idea..."

The farmer laughed amiably: "Who would have thought that an agronomist from the city would come here and end up needing my daughter's wardrobe! Life in the countryside has its surprises, huh?"

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Francis went to the bedroom and opened the wardrobe. There were dresses, tighter pants and even some high heels. He picked out a simpler and more comfortable piece, took a deep breath and put it on. It was surreal, but at least the physical discomfort was lessening. With the mirror in front of him, Francis shook his head, smiling in disbelief at what was happening.

"City boy, country girl", he muttered, laughing at himself as he tried to adjust to the new reality.

As the days passed, Francis found himself bored and a little aimless. Unable to do the field work he used to, he began to dedicate himself to activities inside the house. Without realizing it, he was organizing the small house he shared with the farmer. Little by little, the place became cleaner and tidier. He washed the dishes, swept the floor, and even started trying his hand at cooking lunches and dinners.

When the farmer arrived and saw the transformation in the house, he laughed with that simple humor of a country man: “Boy, it seems like I now have a domestic helper! My late wife would be proud, and let me tell you, it’s good to have company around here again.”

A bit embarrassed but amused, Francis replied: “Well, it’s not like I have many options now, right?”

“And I’m not complaining! The food is great, and the house has never been so tidy. I should have hired you sooner.”

The days went by like this, with Francis adapting to his new routine and, strangely, starting to enjoy some of the changes. He was no longer just wearing the simplest clothes that the farmer's daughter had left him. Little by little, he began to be a little more daring in his “looks”. Skirts, tighter blouses and even some dresses began to be part of his daily wardrobe. And, with his body in full transformation, these feminine clothes accentuated his new contours in a surprising way.

He also began to explore the world of makeup. After all, he had free time. Watching tutorials on the internet, he learned the basics and began to experiment with lipsticks, eyeliners and eye shadows. It wasn't long before his long, silky hair was getting new hairstyles — a braid here, a bun there. Each day was a new discovery.

With each step, he looked at himself in the mirror with a mixture of strangeness and curiosity. The farmer, always in good humor, joked: “Boy, or rather, girl... it's getting harder and harder to recognize you. Who would have thought that this city agronomist would become... well, what are you becoming?”

Francis laughed, still getting used to the situation. “I don’t know either! But at least I’m having fun.”


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