Full compatible

Nathan was camping with his family when, around the campfire, they noticed a strange light in the sky. What seemed like a shooting star quickly turned into something far more unusual as the light approached, and a blinding flash engulfed the campsite. When their vision returned, the family was stunned to see a metallic object landed before them. Terrified, they hid behind Nathan.

A door on the craft opened, and three beautiful, slender women emerged, communicating telepathically: "We come in peace. We traveled light-years after detecting a transmission from your planet, which saved our species from extinction due to a lack of genetic diversity. We’ve discovered that your DNA is compatible with ours."

Nathan and Brian, fascinated by the aliens, immediately volunteered to help. The three creatures exchanged glances and, without warning, raised strange devices, scanning Nathan and Brian's bodies. Their voices echoed in their minds again. "We believe that in order to ensure the success of our mission, we will need... enhancements to your bodies. If you accept, we will accept your help as well."

Ignoring his wife and daughter, they rushed into the ship. The three women glanced at those left behind, offering an enigmatic smile, and said: "We’ll see you soon." The ship then vanished into the sky.

Nine months later, Nathan’s wife, alone at home, was startled by a bright light in the yard. She ran outside and saw two women stepping out of a craft, one of them hugging her and saying: "Honey, we’re back!" Confused, she asked who they were, to which one of the women replied: "Mom, it’s me, your son."

Nathan then appeared, also transformed into a woman, and explained: "Remember those ‘improvements’ they mentioned? Those creatures were the males of their species, and they transformed us into women to ensure reproduction. Now, our children will be the saviors of their race."

Shocked, Nathan’s wife could only stare at them, realizing that nothing would ever be the same again.


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