He said Yes!

— Man, how did this happen? I knew magic could be real, but I never imagined it would happen to me!

— Oh, Paul... It's all your fault. You've always had that big mouth and that jerk-like way. You've been mean and rude to Janice since the beginning.

— Oh, come on! As a gym instructor, I had to be like this with her. A Chubby gym secretary? It was obvious that I needed to get on her case. I was trying to see if she would change her mind!

— And you never thought that maybe she was fine the way she was? That she greeted everyone with a smile and had no problem with her own body? Man, you were cruel for no reason.

— It doesn't matter... Now, I have to find a way to get back into my body. I can't stay stuck like this! I had a perfect body.

— And what's wrong with her body? Besides, I have to say, you look... beautiful.

— What am I? Wait a minute... Those times when I caught you and her talking, and you quickly walked away when I arrived... Were you two dating?

— Yeah, Paul, we were. And you know what? I always thought she was beautiful. In fact, I was going to take Janice out to dinner this week and ask her to marry me.

At that moment, the cell phone Paul was holding vibrates. It was a message. He looks at the screen, and his face turns to horror when he reads the sender: “Idiot” — as Janice had saved him in her contacts.

Message: “Enjoy your new life, lazy pig. I'm leaving the country, and you'll never get the body you loved so much back.”

Paul read and reread the words, his expression of shock becoming inconsolable. He put the cell phone down with trembling hands.

— Man, she said she won't change it! I'm going to be stuck like this forever. I had a perfect body... [looking at his own body with disgust] And now, I'm... this?

— Janice, or rather, Paul... You still have a perfect body. Perfect for me. And, look, about that dinner I had planned... I still want to take you. But now, I'm going to have to propose to you. But, the question that won't leave my head is... why did you call me that? And looking so... [pauses, looking at him from head to toe] ...beautiful?

— Man, I had no choice! You're my best friend. You know me better than anyone, I think you're the only person who would understand what's going on.

— Okay, but that still doesn't explain anything.

— I don't know, my... my love. I was like that when I opened my eyes! As if she — Janice — knew I was going to call you. Wait a minute... Did I call you my love?

Paul was silent for a moment, feeling a strange mix of emotions invade his body. Something inside him seemed to be changing, something he couldn't control. He looked at himself, admiring the impeccable look that "Janice" had prepared.

— You know what, we can't waste a look like that. [with a slight wink] Wonderful, isn't it?

— Yes, it is...

The night went on with a strange naturalness. Paul, in Janice's body, felt compelled to act in ways he would never have imagined before. Every gesture, every word seemed to come out without much thought. The magic, as if it had its own will, pushed him towards an intimate and unforgettable night with Richard.

For a moment, Paul was overcome by a wave of confusion, followed by a sense of accomplishment that didn’t seem to be his own. Without fully understanding what was happening, he realized that the magic was altering not only his body, but also his desires and wants.

The evening ended with the certainty that somehow, Paul, now living as Janice, would accept the marriage proposal.


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