It was impossible to keep up appearances

"See, Michael? The accident that turned you into a woman wasn't that bad! Let's be honest: you are 30 years younger! And you look absolutely stunning!" Helena laughed as she admired her husband's new body. "With a little makeup, you'll look divine. Look at that skin, my love! Flawless. And soon, your hair will grow back, and it will look even more perfect with your new look. Trust me, you'll rock it."

Michael, trying to maintain his composure, sighed, adjusting his shirt that seemed to mold itself to every curve he wasn't used to having. "Honey, the scientists at the company said they're working hard to reverse my condition. Soon, everything will go back to normal, and we'll be a couple again... like we always were."

Helena forced a smile, but inside her heart was aching. Without him noticing, she looked away, fighting the growing anxiety that was suffocating her. She knew. She knew what he didn't yet know: the weeks that had passed since the accident had been a whirlwind of secrets and lies, a desperate effort to keep hope alive. The scientists had called weeks earlier with devastating news – Michael's change was irreversible. There was no going back.

Since then, Helena had been doing everything she could to prepare him for what his new reality would be. Every compliment she gave him about his appearance, every encouragement about how he was "adapting", it was all part of her plan to show him that he could, indeed, live that way. Because, deep down, she knew there would be no going back. And, since she still considered herself heterosexual, the future she saw for them no longer involved marriage.

Over time, Helena was accepting that she would have to let Michael move on, find a new love. And, perhaps, fall in love again – with someone else. She loved him, of course, but she could no longer see herself with a woman, even if that woman was him.

She knew the inevitable conversation was coming, but in the meantime, she continued to be the loving wife, hoping that, in time, Michael would also find the strength to let her go.

After all, sometimes love was about letting go.

"But, love," Helena continued, trying to disguise the weight in her voice, "maybe, just maybe, this is an opportunity... to discover new parts of yourself. Who knows, maybe there's something special waiting to be discovered in this new version of you? Maybe it's the chance to start over, to fall in love with someone new, with a new life..."

Michael laughed suspiciously. "You're kidding, right? Fall in love with someone new? Helena, I love you. I always will."

She smiled back, pressing her lips together to hold back the tears. "I know, darling... I know."


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