
Showing posts from 2024

A new kind of friendship

 – Dude, what are you doing in my bed? – Waiting for you, for heaven's sake. Weren't we supposed to watch the game together? The TV in the living room got damaged by that electric shock, remember? The same one that threw me into your girlfriend's body. – Okay, that makes sense... but what about the clothes? – Oh, I don't know. Among the options she had in her closet, this one seemed the most comfortable. – Comfortable? Dude, you know that these clothes aren't exactly for "relaxing" around, right? – Okay, you got me. I admit, I was curious. I wanted to see your reaction when you saw me like this. Ever since I fell into this body, it's weird, my heart races every time I'm near you... You know, I thought... since we have no idea when - or if - we'll switch, maybe we should... try it out. – Try it out? – Yeah. - He looked directly at his friend, his eyes fixed on his. I'm starting to wonder if this is just friendship or if it could be something

Dolled up

I was in the middle of work, focused on finishing some reports, when my phone vibrated with a message. It was James, my roommate. James: “Dude, I lost my charger. Is there any way I can use yours? I’m almost out of battery.” In a hurry, I didn’t think twice. I replied with a simple “Sure, get it from my room, it’s in the socket next to the bed.” And I went back to work. However, in the rush of the previous day, I had completely forgotten that I had left some… let’s say, personal things scattered around the room. The wig, the women’s clothes, the makeup, everything there, visible. When I realized what could happen, it was already too late. James was the curious type. I knew that, but I didn’t think he would touch anything other than the charger. After all, who would do that, right? But the uneasiness hit me out of nowhere, as if I could sense that something was wrong. An hour later, what I feared was confirmed. My phone vibrated again. This time, a notification from the messaging app we

Suggestive hypnosis

Ronald seemed to have everything he needed: a stable job, a respectable position, and a cozy home. But something was missing. Loneliness began to weigh on him, and in his search for a relationship, he turned to dating sites. Unfortunately, he always ran into the same obstacle: people seemed to judge his photos before getting to know the real him. Ronald had never been a model of discipline when it came to diet or exercise, and his body reflected that—a little out of shape, a little chubby, but with good humor and charm. One day, he remembered Clarissa, the company’s accountant. Some time ago, Clarissa had been in the same situation, but suddenly she started losing weight, her self-esteem soared, and she had completely transformed. Curious, Ronald went to her for advice. Clarissa, always friendly, told him about a hypnosis program that helped reprogram her mind and control her habits. “Girl You Can,” she said with a smile. He laughed, finding the name a bit funny, but when Clarissa expl

Second oportunity

Marcus was examining the artifacts from an old box spread across his desk, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the worn surfaces, while his daughter, Helena, unleashed a torrent of bitter truths. She stared at him, her eyes filled with frustration and hurt. “You were always absent, Dad,” she said, her voice shaking with anger and sadness. “My entire childhood, you were gone, obsessed with dead civilizations, on endless expeditions. The only thing you sent home was your fat paycheck, but that didn’t raise me, and it didn’t keep Mom company.” Marcus remained engrossed in the artifacts, avoiding her gaze, but Helena’s words pierced through his defenses, even though he refused to show it. The weight of decades of absence hung in the air, yet he didn’t know how to respond. “I’m here, trying to talk about our lives, about how Mom was so lonely that she ended up dying, and even now, you prefer these old relics,” she said, her voice rising in frustration. On impulse, Helena grabbed the object h

The first of many dates

"What do you mean you're going out like that?!" exclaimed Rita, still baffled as she watched son inhabiting her daughter body — getting ready to leave. The sight was surreal: her confident posture and the chosen clothes all made it obvious that the person inside wasn’t really her. Oscar, in Janice's body, rolled his eyes. "Mom, relax. We don’t know how long it’s going to take for Dad to fix the machine. And, look, Janice called me — she had this super important date with a guy from the university that she couldn’t miss. Like, it’s the guy ! So, she asked me to go in her place and just... you know, hold down the fort until we switch back." "Hold down the fort?" Rita repeated, incredulous. "You don’t even know what that means on a date! Besides, what are you going to do if he... well, tries to kiss you?" Oscar hesitated, glancing at his reflection in the mirror. "Oh, Mom, it’s just a matter of pretending I’m Janice. I’ll figure it out.

City boy, country girl

Francis had always been a city boy. With a degree in agronomy, he believed he was about to make good money, but the saturated market ended up frustrating his plans. This led him to seek new opportunities in the countryside, moving to the farm of a well-known farmer, a friend of his father. Full of enthusiasm and modern ideas, he introduced himself as a researcher and soon set out to transform the rudimentary, chemical-free farm into a field of experiments. “We will triple the milk production,” Francis promised confidently. To prove his theory, he began feeding one of the cows an innovative compound he had created himself, full of animal supplements. “It is completely safe for human consumption,” he assured his boss. The farmer, suspicious but curious, replied: “Do whatever you want, but the milk from this cow will be discarded. And if you want to prove that it is safe, you can drink it as much as you want.” Francis accepted the challenge with gusto. Every day, he drank the “special” mi

Somehow it worked

Marcelo has always been a typical nerd: a tech whiz, passionate about science fiction, and a master at finding flaws in the script of any superhero movie. But his biggest weakness wasn't a buggy code, but Clara, the prettiest girl in the company. He spent his days dreaming of the right way to get her attention, but it seemed like she didn't even know he existed. Until one night, something extraordinary happened. A comet tore through the sky. "It's not very scientific and totally silly, but it doesn't hurt to make a wish," he thought. With anxiety running through his veins, he closed his eyes and said out loud: "I wish... to be irresistible to Clara!" The sky shone, the comet disappeared, and for a few seconds nothing happened. Marcelo smiled, already thinking it was nonsense. But then he felt something strange. A lightness in his body, a heat rising up his spine, and... did his shirt get tighter? Confused, he got up and went to the nearest mirror. An

Happy couple


New job, old boss

 Marcia, once known as Marcos, is sitting at the bar in a luxury club, wearing a red dress she never imagined she’d wear. Her gaze is distant, cutting through the lights and laughter around her. A new client approaches, curious. — You seem out of place. Shouldn’t you be... enjoying yourself? Marcia gives a bitter smile and takes a sip of her drink. — If I told you how I got here, you wouldn’t believe me. — Try me. I’ve got time. Marcia lets out a short, bitter laugh. — I used to be Marcos... a police informant, involved with the wrong people. I made a deal to turn in the mafia. Thought I’d walk away unscathed. Big mistake. They caught me before I could run. She pauses, looking at her drink as if it holds all the answers. — And what did they do? — They transformed me. Literally. Took me to some underground clinic. Strapped me to a table and said they’d give me a "new identity." I thought it was a joke. But it wasn’t. When I woke up... (she gestures to herself) this is what was

Trying to act naturally

Jason looked at himself in the mirror, in disbelief, but at the same time impressed with the result. He never imagined that Ian would actually be able to transform him into a perfect copy of his mother. All to save Ian's skin, who had been misbehaving and was now at risk of suspension, since the principal wanted to talk to a guardian. And with the stern promise from his parents that the next warning would be the last, Ian was in trouble. “I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Jason muttered as he adjusted his shirt. He snorted, but couldn’t help but admire himself a little. “These makeup tutorials on the internet are truly a blessing. At least I won’t show up at school looking like a clown.” Jason took one last look in the mirror and, turning toward the door, joked to himself, “Yeah, I look pretty.” He barely had time to appreciate his own reflection when the bedroom door opened and Jason came face to face with Ian's father, who stopped in the doorway, his eyes widening as

Not so bad ending

As I left the hospital, the fresh air hit my face—or what was left of it, now sculpted in a way I barely recognized. Each step I took was a mix of pain and strangeness, as my newly transformed body adapted to the new reality. The life I knew had ended there, in that clinic. Now, a new journey awaited me. There was no turning back. “Roberta,” I thought, the name echoing in my mind like a sentence. Maria had won, but I wasn’t completely defeated. I needed to regroup, think fast. The money, the scam, the freedom… there was still time to regain control. Only now, I would have to play a different game. How did I get here? My partner and I were about to commit the crime of the century. Everything was meticulously planned. We had bought passports from countries where it was easy to get a new name, places with lenient laws and no extradition. The next step? Simple! A few cosmetic surgeries, assume new identities, and disappear, living the rest of our lives as wealthy ghosts. But Maria didn’t k

Lesson learned

  "Hey, Brian, smile and say 'cheese'!" "Wait, Auntie! I already told you, no pictures!" Brian’s voice was muffled by the blonde wig dangling in his face as he awkwardly adjusted the flowery apron, struggling to hold the feather duster. "I never said no pictures ," she shot back, phone in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. "And besides, it was you who decided to drive the maid home after work. Now look—car accident! And I even asked, ‘Are you sure you didn’t drink, Brian?’ What did you say?" "It was an accident!" Brian repeated for the tenth time, staring down at the uncomfortable stockings clinging to his legs. "And you didn’t have to make me wear this !" "This isn’t a punishment, darling. It’s a lesson ," she replied with a satisfied grin. "Now get back to work. There’s dust everywhere. And please, smile . The first picture didn’t come out well." Brian, utterly defeated, forced a smile and h

Dialing the wrong number

Wait a minute... Are you telling me you're Dr. White? That our time travel study was correct, but we didn’t have the technology to build the machine? How did this even happen? And why, for the love of God, are you in Miss Paula’s body? Yes, I know it sounds crazy. But please, listen carefully. Our theory was right. But with the limited funding we had, we were forced to create something... more modest." — Paula’s soft voice sounded strange with Dr. White's serious tone. "At best, we managed to create a device that allowed us to communicate with different time periods, moving a few years into the future, trying to borrow advanced technologies from there and bring them back to our 'present'. And that worked? You were borrowing technology from the future... and no one noticed? At first, yes. We kept improving the technology, increasing our ability to communicate through time, but..." — he hesitates for a second, looking down at his delicate hands, as if still

Double date?

"Let me get this straight," Douglas said, raising an eyebrow. "You disappeared for a year after the divorce, went to Thailand for the full reassignment package. For the past three months, you've been exchanging spicy messages with your ex-wife's new husband—the guy who caused your divorce in the first place. And now you're meeting him to, uh... 'formalize' your little affair?" He made air quotes. "So, why exactly did you call me here?" Ruppert smirked mischievously, shrugging as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Oh, with him it’s just for fun, you know? I want her to feel the same way I did. Payback!" He winked. Douglas blinked, still confused. "Okay... and what does that have to do with me?" "With you... well, I was thinking... after I wrap up this whole thing, how about we grab a beer? Chat a bit, you know, chill?" Douglas laughed, shaking his head. "So, you're asking me to be the

Full compatible

Nathan was camping with his family when, around the campfire, they noticed a strange light in the sky. What seemed like a shooting star quickly turned into something far more unusual as the light approached, and a blinding flash engulfed the campsite. When their vision returned, the family was stunned to see a metallic object landed before them. Terrified, they hid behind Nathan. A door on the craft opened, and three beautiful, slender women emerged, communicating telepathically: "We come in peace. We traveled light-years after detecting a transmission from your planet, which saved our species from extinction due to a lack of genetic diversity. We’ve discovered that your DNA is compatible with ours." Nathan and Brian, fascinated by the aliens, immediately volunteered to help. The three creatures exchanged glances and, without warning, raised strange devices, scanning Nathan and Brian's bodies. Their voices echoed in their minds again. "We believe that in order to ens


Captain, we’ve got a... rather unusual situation." The sergeant approached, wearing a slightly confused smile. What now, Sergeant? These two women here, sir. They’re claiming to be from our squad. The captain narrowed his eyes, sizing up the two women. "Sergeant, there were no women in our squad." Exactly, sir... but they’re saying they’re Private Hamilton and Private Christopher. Hamilton and Christopher?" The captain almost chuckled. "You’ve got to be kidding me, Sergeant. I thought the same, sir. But it seems the squad was used as guinea pigs in some pretty... bizarre experiments. Their experiment was some kind of feminizing gas. The captain raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical. "A feminizing gas? And you're telling me these two here are them?" That’s right, sir. We interrogated them thoroughly, cross-referenced all the details. It checks out. They are... or rather, they were Hamilton and Christopher. The captain ran a hand over his face, tryin

Equivalent exchange

My friend and I were fishing when we found a bottle with a note and a strange statue inside. Curious, we broke the bottle and took the note, which said: - Holding the statue will grant you 3 wishes. After that, it will disappear and, in a year, it will reappear somewhere random; - You cannot wish for more wishes; - The statue does not create things out of thin air . It transforms what already exists. For example, if you wish for gold, it will transform nearby objects, such as rocks, into that material. We decided on a simple plan: one shared wish and one wish for each of us. Together, we wished: "We wish for a huge pile of gold." As soon as we finished speaking, the statue glowed brightly, and the sand around us began to clump together, forming several gold bars! Since I am a generous guy, I made my wish with both of us in mind. I asked for us to stay young, beautiful and healthy forever! The statue glowed even brighter, and when we looked at each other, we were back to our 2

Spoiled Brat

- You can cry all you want, Giselle, but do it far away from my room, my house, and most importantly, out of my sight. Leave before I call my husband to throw you out! - You can't do this to me! - Oh, really? And what are you going to do? Tell everyone that the 'fat nerd' you humiliated so much swapped bodies with you? I bet they’d lock you up in a mental hospital, right? - You know this won't last! Soon, everyone will figure out I'm not you. - Do you really think I can’t imitate you? All I have to do is act like you: a spoiled princess who thinks no one else matters. The one who always got everything she wanted because the fat nerd did everything she demanded, in exchange for a promotion that never came. Don’t worry, Giselle, I learned from the best.

Live in the First World

  The border-crossing market had evolved far beyond human smuggling. The demand was no longer just for physical entry into another country, but for something much more desirable and exclusive: living in the first world in a young, potential body. The “Live in the First World” package was the new form of border-crossing—a body swap between people from the wealthy and influential world and promising young people from economically disadvantaged regions. That became the ideal solution for wealthy seniors who wanted to escape the confines of old age. Hector, a powerful businessman in his seventies, saw in this service a chance to live again, but this time in a young body full of potential. He chose Eleonor, a promising and talented young woman, as his new "host". After the swap, Hector woke up in Eleonor's body, amazed by the feeling of youth and vitality that he had not felt for decades. Freed from the physical limitations of old age, he quickly adapted to his new female body

You are not fooling anyone

- Jason, what are you doing? - What do you mean, man? I'm not doing anything. - Ricardo, crossed his arms, arching an eyebrow. He had known Jason for too long to believe this show of innocence. - Don't play dumb. Ever since your wife punished you by turning you into a woman, you've been wearing the shortest clothes possible. Don't fool me, you're trying to get someone's attention.  Jason laughed nervously, his eyes moving away from Ricardo's. He looked down at himself, adjusting that tight outfit. - Nothing like that. Jason shrugged. It's just because the clothes your sister left here are too small. That's it. - Oh, of course! As if I would believe that lame excuse. Ricardo came closer, narrowing his eyes. I've never seen my sister wearing that. To tell you the truth, I didn't even know she had clothes like that. Jason bit his lip, his eyes falling to his feet, as if he had been caught red-handed. After a long sigh, he looked up, this time wi

It was impossible to keep up appearances

"See, Michael? The accident that turned you into a woman wasn't that bad! Let's be honest: you are 30 years younger! And you look absolutely stunning!" Helena laughed as she admired her husband's new body. "With a little makeup, you'll look divine. Look at that skin, my love! Flawless. And soon, your hair will grow back, and it will look even more perfect with your new look. Trust me, you'll rock it." Michael, trying to maintain his composure, sighed, adjusting his shirt that seemed to mold itself to every curve he wasn't used to having. "Honey, the scientists at the company said they're working hard to reverse my condition. Soon, everything will go back to normal, and we'll be a couple again... like we always were." Helena forced a smile, but inside her heart was aching. Without him noticing, she looked away, fighting the growing anxiety that was suffocating her. She knew. She knew what he didn't yet know: the weeks tha

The perfect wife

Dave hears a snap of fingers, like a distant echo that pierces the veil of his mind, and it is as if he is waking from a nightmare. His heavy eyelids open slowly, revealing a room illuminated by the soft light of dawn. The environment is strange, still hazy from his blurred vision and the confusion in his mind. He tries to remember what happened. The last clear memory is of a heated argument with his boss, the man who had just discovered the affair that Dave was having with his wife. The boss's parting words echo in his head, now with a dark weight: "You will pay me." Relieved to believe that it was all just a nightmare, Dave instinctively puts his hand to his chest, trying to calm his agitated breathing. But what he feels is not the familiar touch of her skin against his shirt, but an unusual softness, a smoothness that makes him freeze. He presses again, feeling the rounded shape... breasts. The satin fabric that brushes against his fingers seems to draw strange contour

Next move

"Lucas, I found something!" Carlos said, running down the hall with his notebook in his hand, panting, his voice full of urgency. He entered the room, but stopped halfway through the door, his eyes wide. Oh, what's up, man..." He looked at Carlos with an air of someone who had been "caught red-handed", but tried to hide his embarrassment. "This... is just... just to see what it's like, you know? It's nothing special." — he tugged at the hem of his nightgown, trying to look uncomfortable, but the silk slid over his skin in a way that made him seem like he was enjoying it too much. "Are you... kidding me?" — he finally found the words, trying to ignore how daring and impractical the nightgown was. — "I spent hours on the internet, trying to find a way to reverse this curse, and here you are... parading around in your ex's nightgown?" "Man, this is... totally uncomfortable!" — he tried to feign indignation, b

Maid for... life [long story]

 The neighborhood where Charles lived had always been simple and peaceful, with modest houses and neighbors who knew each other by name. However, everything began to change when large real estate companies bought nearby land to build a luxurious gated community. Modern mansions with iron fences and meticulously manicured gardens began to contrast with the old, unpretentious buildings that still stood. Little by little, the simple charm of the neighborhood was lost, giving way to an atmosphere of exclusivity and status. Charles, a young man in his early twenties, felt increasingly out of place. The unemployment that was ravaging the city had hit him hard. He had tried everything: delivery man, waiter, store clerk. Nothing seemed to last long, and his financial situation became increasingly precarious. He observed with a mixture of curiosity and resentment the new residents of the mansions. The most recent and, without a doubt, the most striking of them was Edward. Edward was a tall, mus