Trading partners [part 2]

 Joseph looked down at his hands and saw perfectly manicured nails. “Oh my God, this really worked!” he exclaimed, his voice now softer and more feminine.

As he tried to get used to his new body, a wave of sensations invaded Joseph. The lace of the lingerie Sofia had chosen was in direct contact with his skin, and he felt every delicate and silky texture. “It’s so different…” he thought, the sensation strange and, in a way, exciting.

The weight of his bust was something he definitely didn’t expect. “Oh, this is… heavy!” Joseph exclaimed, looking in the mirror and realizing what it was like to have a female body. He felt the wind blowing in places that had never been exposed before, a feeling of vulnerability mixed with freedom. “My God, I can’t believe I’m doing this!”

“You look amazing! Now head over to my place!” Sofia exclaimed, and together they set off for the meeting, while she gave him tips on what to do, where the tools were, and all the basic things he would need to do to have even the slightest bit of success. When they got to the place, Joseph was anxious, but the confidence he felt in Sofia’s body was undeniable. “Okay, how do I do this?” he asked, already imagining what the interaction with Lucas would be like. 

Her house was lit with candles, creating an intimate and welcoming atmosphere. Joseph’s heart was beating fast as he looked at himself in the mirror once more, trying to get used to his new appearance. “Okay, you can do this!” he muttered to himself, trying to convince himself.

When the doorbell rang, Joseph nearly jumped in fright. “This is it!” He took a deep breath and opened the door, revealing Lucas, who was visibly happy to see her.

“Hi, Sofia! You… wow, you look amazing!” Lucas exclaimed, a wide smile forming on his face.

Joseph smiled back, a shy smile that was far from what he normally would do. “Thank you! I… tried something new,” he said, trying to keep his voice soft.

Lucas walked in, and Joseph turned to close the door, but as he did so, he tripped over his own foot. “Ah!” he cried, leaning against the door to keep from falling. “I don’t seem to be used to wearing this,” he laughed nervously.

Lucas chuckled, leaning forward to help. “You look great, but you don’t have to try so hard. I’m just here for dinner, not a fashion show.”

“Sure, sure! I just wanted to… err, impress!” Joseph replied, gesturing wildly, the situation comical enough to make Lucas laugh.

Joseph felt heat rise to his face—not just from the awkward situation, but from the way Lucas was looking at him. “Really? I’m nothing like the Sofia you knew,” he replied, a hint of insecurity in his voice.

“Exactly! You’re different. This new version of you enchants me!” Lucas confessed, taking a step closer. The gaze between them intensified, and Joseph felt adrenaline rush through his veins.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, and suddenly Lucas stepped forward, his hands finding Joseph’s. “Does it feel good like this?” he asked, his eyes locking with Joseph’s lips.

“It’s… a little weird, but… it feels good,” Joseph replied, his voice almost cracking. The gentle touch of Lucas’s hands made his heart race even faster.

“You look amazing, Sofia,” Lucas said, his voice low and enveloping. “I like seeing this side of you.”

The heat between them intensified. Joseph, still trying to adapt to the female body, was becoming increasingly aware of the space he occupied. “I just… I don’t want you to feel cheated,” he murmured, but his insecurity seemed to be dissipating in Lucas’ presence.

“Cheated? No way! You’re unique, and I want to know more about you,” Lucas replied, moving even closer. He tilted his head, and Joseph felt a chill in his stomach as he realized the distance between them was closing.

The tension finally broke when Lucas, with a gentle gesture, cupped Joseph’s face. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, the question charged with expectation.

Joseph hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding. “Yes,” he whispered, and Lucas leaned forward, their lips meeting in a soft, exploratory kiss. The sensation was electrifying, and Joseph felt lost in that connection, discovering a world of sensations he had never experienced before.

The kiss deepened, and Joseph felt a rush of passion and discovery as he realized what it was like to be desired like that. He gave himself over to the moment, his feelings of insecurity turning into radiant heat.


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