Hidden Reflections

 Joseph was restless. He was not the kind of man to seek outside help for his problems, much less for something as trivial as the annoyance caused by his secretary, Clara. She was impeccable at her work, always efficient, with a natural beauty that seemed effortless. And this irritated him in a way he could not explain. Deep down, he knew it made no sense. Clara never made mistakes, she was always friendly and discreet. But every time he saw her, he felt a twinge of discomfort, a strange desire to find a flaw that would justify his disdain. After many sleepless nights, with his thoughts consumed by this nameless irritation, Joseph decided to seek out a hypnotherapist. He did not really believe in the process, but he was willing to try anything to get rid of this feeling that seemed to take over his mind.

In Dr. Marcos’s office, Joseph was feeling a bit skeptical. He didn’t believe that something as simple as hypnosis could solve his problems, but he was already there.

“So, Joseph,” Dr. Marcos said in a calm, welcoming tone, “what brings you here today?”

Joseph took a deep breath, unsure of how to begin. “I… I don’t know. I guess something inside me just doesn’t like my secretary, Clara. She hasn’t done anything wrong, but… I can’t stand her presence. It’s like everything about her irritates me.”

The therapist listened intently before suggesting, “Let’s explore this. Often, these feelings have deeper roots than we realize.”

Joseph agreed, even though he felt a hint of reluctance. He settled back into the chair as Dr. Marcos guided him into a state of relaxation. Slowly, his mind began to wander.

“Describe what you feel when you see Clara,” the therapist asked.

"She's... so perfect, so effortless. It makes me feel bad. And I don't know why. She seems to have it so easy. Like she doesn't even have to try."

"I get it," Dr. Marcos said calmly. "But does that have more to do with Clara or you?"

Joseph frowned, still in a daze. "Me? I don't know. Maybe I... feel inferior around her? But that doesn't make sense. I'm her boss."

Joseph left the office feeling more confused than when he had entered. The idea that his anger at Clara might have something to do with himself was disturbing. He didn’t want to admit that perhaps the problem was something that was inside him, and not Clara.

In the office, however, something changed. He began to observe Clara with different eyes. The carefree way she walked, the ever-present smile, the way she seemed to never care about what other people thought. It was as if she didn’t have to try to be admired. And that… bothered him deeply.

“Why can’t I be like that?” he muttered to himself, as he watched her pass by once again, impeccable as always.

By the second session, Joseph was more prepared for what was to come, but still hesitant. Dr. Marcos began the session the same way, guiding Joseph into a state of hypnosis.

“I want you to go back to a time when you felt the same way you do now about Clara. Uncomfortable. Insecure.”

Joseph found himself back in his teens, standing in front of a mirror. He was trying to fix his hair, getting ready for a party, but nothing felt right. He remembered how the girls at school always seemed so effortless. They were effortlessly admired, while he always felt inadequate.

“I always wanted to be like them,” Joseph murmured, almost without realizing it.

“What do you mean, Joseph?” Dr. Marcos asked, his voice calm.

“They… didn’t need anything more than what they already had. I tried, I tried, and it never seemed to be enough. I always thought they had it easier.”

Joseph came away from this second session shaken. The revelation that he had always longed for the ease and confidence of the women around him was disconcerting. But he still didn’t want to accept it. He was a successful, self-assured man, not someone who envied others, much less a woman.

“This doesn’t make sense,” he told himself as he stared into the bathroom mirror that night. “I’m the boss, the businessman here. There’s no reason to feel inferior to Clara.”

But as the days passed, this sense of inadequacy began to chip away at his confident facade. He looked at Clara with less disdain and more curiosity, though he was still reluctant to admit that something inside him was changing.

Without realizing it, Joseph began to make small changes. He changed his haircut, started taking better care of his skin, even his clothes began to reflect an attempt to align himself with that ideal of confidence and natural beauty that he saw in Clara. He told himself that it was just to improve his professional image, but deep down, he knew he was looking for something more.

One morning, as he walked through the reception area, Clara looked him up and down. "I like your new look, Joseph. It's different, in a good way."

Joseph, surprised, smiled awkwardly. "Oh... just a change of style. Nothing special."

She laughed. "Well, it seems to be working."

He went on with his day, trying to ignore the feeling of satisfaction that Clara's compliment brought. Something inside him was enjoying the change, but he wasn't ready to admit it yet.

By the third session, Dr. Marcos noticed that Joseph was more agitated. “Something seems to be bothering you. What’s happened since our last session?”

Joseph hesitated. “The changes… are happening. But I don’t want to admit that I like it. I feel like I’m becoming someone different, and I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

“What exactly bothers you about these changes, Joseph?”

He was silent for a few moments, before finally saying, “I think I’ve always wanted to be like Clara. Not just because of her beauty, but because of her confidence, the way she seems to not need approval. And now… I’m starting to realize that I’m becoming someone I never thought I would be.”

Dr. Marcos smiled softly. “Are these changes bad, or are they bringing you something you’ve always wanted but never allowed yourself to have?”

Joseph took a deep breath, fighting the inner turmoil. “I… I like it. That’s what scares me.”

Over time, Joseph began to realize that the transformations he was undergoing were not something to fear, but rather an opportunity to reinvent himself completely. The restlessness he had felt because of Clara now revealed itself as something much deeper—a repressed need to transform himself into the very thing he had always secretly admired. He decided he needed to take a radical step, one that would completely change the way he saw himself. He asked for a vacation, claiming that he needed time to take care of personal matters. However, no one at the office knew what was really coming. 

During these weeks away, he devoted himself entirely to transforming not only his appearance, but also his body. He underwent a series of procedures that required discipline and, often, pain, but each step brought him closer to the ideal version of himself that he had always kept hidden. Physical changes were the centerpiece of his transformation. 

That's when a rigorous routine of exercises and body treatments that shaped his body started in ways he had always dreamed of but never dared to achieve. His body was sculpted, with a slim waist and harmonious curves, achieved through cosmetic surgeries and treatments that gave him silhouette a shape that he had previously only admired from afar. His hips were contoured, his legs slimmed and toned, and his skin, previously neglected, was now smooth and radiant thanks to a series of rejuvenation procedures.

When he returned to the office, the transformation was so shocking that it seemed impossible to believe that this person, walking with grace and confidence through the hallways, was the same person who had left weeks earlier. His hair, once short and disciplined, was now long and wavy, falling in natural waves over his shoulders. His body, previously firm and angular, now displayed perfectly sculpted curves, the result of meticulous work and planned cosmetic procedures.

As he entered the lobby, wearing an elegant ensemble: a black pencil skirt that outlined his newly formed waist and hips, combined with a white silk blouse, perfectly fitted. His high heels made the posture exude confidence, and the thin stockings highlighted the smoothness of his shapely legs. Each step was calculated, with the grace and lightness of someone who had fully embraced her new identity.

When his coworkers saw this new figure crossing the hallways, they froze. No one could believe that this sophisticated and elegant woman was, in fact, Joseph. Everything about him had changed, from his shiny, well-groomed hair to his body shaped to meet the standard of beauty he had always kept secret.

Clara, sitting at her desk, didn’t pay much attention to the initial movement. She was focused on her papers and emails when, suddenly, she noticed a familiar, yet profoundly transformed presence stopping in front of her. When she looked up, she was stunned. The woman before her was almost like a reflection of herself, a polished version, as if she had been designed to mirror every detail of her own appearance.

“Joseph?” Clara asked in disbelief, realizing that this figure was her boss.

“Yes, Clara. It’s me,” Joseph replied, with a calm and serene smile.

Clara blinked, confused. Her eyes scanned every detail. Joseph’s hair, now long and shiny, swayed gently as he moved, the waves falling naturally. His body, previously masculine and angular, now displayed a slim waist, accentuated hips, and legs that seemed sculpted to perfection. Even Joseph’s facial features seemed softened, the skillful makeup enhancing his features in a subtle but impressive way.

“But… how?” Clara murmured, still trying to process what she was seeing.

Joseph crossed his legs elegantly, settling back into his chair with the same confidence Clara always displayed. “I’ve undergone a transformation, Clara. It was something I’ve always wanted, but never had the courage to admit. And in a way, I’ve always admired you… your confidence, your natural beauty. Now, I’m experiencing it for myself.”

The resemblance between Joseph and Clara was undeniable. Their long, well-groomed hair, their impeccable clothes, even the way they sat and their elegant posture seemed to reflect everything Clara was. It was as if a twin sister, a polished and idealized version of Clara, had suddenly appeared. Joseph had become everything she had always envied—and he had done it meticulously, from the smallest details of his appearance to the way he walked and spoke.


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