
Showing posts from September, 2024

FeMMCorp (interactive caption [working again!])

This is an interactive caption that will fill the "blog post" area, sometimes you must scroll down to see the next options! Enjoy and please leave your opinion about this in the comment section! FeMCorp Enter the building Good morning Sir, welcome to FeMMCorp. I'm Jannet can I ask your name? Hello Jannet, my name is Answer Nice to meet you, ! Welcome to our company! Do you have an appointment with us? Yes, my wife told me to come to this address. She mentioned that this place could help me understand some issues better, and I thought it would be a great learning opportunity. Yes, I found your banner online and was intrigued by the services you offer. I'm here to learn more about how you can assist me on my personal and professional journey. Yes, my company scheduled an appointment for one o'clock. They mentioned an innovative program that could bene

Hard choices

“Ah... you’re finally awake. I imagine you’re still a little confused, right? Don’t worry, it’s just one of the many side effects of my beloved experimental serum. I know, I know, I didn’t tell you about all of them, did I? Well, in the male guinea pigs, the results were fascinating. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness... and, little by little, the aggressiveness disappeared. They became more docile, younger. But there was a side effect... peculiar. The Y chromosome always ended up mutating into an X chromosome.” He stepped forward, a satisfied smile on his lips, while you blinked, trying to focus. “Of course I imagined the same would happen in humans, and, lo and behold... I was right. So, while you naively drank that horrible protein shake of yours, before leaving the lab... I added a massive dose of the serum. You thought you could sell the rights to my project to that rotten corporation and get away with it, didn’t you? You thought everything would be fine, that your betrayal would go unno


The company’s policies have changed dramatically when it comes to harassment, especially towards female employees. Now, James, Marcus and Alex have to “walk a mile” in the shoes of the women they harassed. Literally. The punishment? Temporarily transformed into women, so that they understand the weight of their actions. But, curiously, this is already the third time they’ve been through this experience, and it seems that they’re getting more out of it than they should. Maybe it’s because their bosses are paying more attention to them — transformed into women, with their new feminine attributes. Or maybe it’s the helpfulness of the other men in the office, who, whenever they appear in female form, rush to fulfill any request. Or maybe it’s the fact that, with their new beauty and charm, James, Marcus and Alex are leveraging themselves into better positions in the company. Wanda, Marcus’ wife, is starting to get worried. Her sexiest lingerie has started mysteriously disappearing from the

Revenge with a plot twist

Ana and Robert, in an unexpected twist, found happiness where they least expected it: living each other's lives. Denis and "Ana"'s marriage flourished, but the truth is that it was no longer Ana who occupied that role. In Robert's body, Ana had discovered a new freedom, while Robert, now in Ana's body, found satisfaction in being the devoted partner he had never been. But how did this happen? It all started with Denis's dissatisfaction, who, encouraged by Robert, agreed to go out to flirt while Ana was traveling. Robert, accustomed to a life without responsibilities, set Denis up to meet Carol, a co-worker. Denis, however, did not go any further, but lied to Robert, saying that he had hooked up with her. When Ana returned from her trip and saw the messages, she realized Denis's deception and was furious, especially with Robert, who had encouraged this situation. Determined to teach them both a lesson, she resorted to the arcane knowledge she had inheri

Always read the fine print

Dave sighed as he stared at himself in the mirror in disbelief. “All I wanted to do was fix the receding hairline that was starting to show on my head,” he thought, massaging his now curly scalp. “I should have read the side effects of that experimental medication more carefully.” The first signs of change were subtle but disturbing. Hair all over his body began to fall out all at once, as if his body had decided it no longer needed it. “Well, maybe it’s just the medication redirecting the growth to the right place,” he thought at the time, trying to reassure himself. But when the straight, blond hair he was so proud of began to grow in wavy, dark hair day after day, he began to worry. “At least it was growing back,” he tried to console himself. But the real terror came later, when the changes began to go far beyond his hair. His body began to change in ways he could never have predicted. In a matter of days, he had lost so much weight that his clothes felt like sacks hanging off a bod

Update for All Readers

 Hello everyone! I’ve recently updated the format of the posts on the blog. Now, the text will be available both within the images and separately below them. This change is especially helpful for my international readers, as it allows you to easily use your browser's translation feature to read the content in your language. Additionally, this new format gives me more creative freedom to expand the stories. When there's more text, fitting everything within the image doesn't always look good, so this way I can elaborate more without compromising the visual presentation. Recientemente he actualizado el formato de las publicaciones en el blog. Ahora, el texto estarĂ¡ disponible tanto dentro de las imĂ¡genes como por separado, debajo de ellas. Este cambio es especialmente Ăºtil para mis lectores internacionales, ya que les permite usar la funciĂ³n de traducciĂ³n del navegador para leer el contenido en su idioma. AdemĂ¡s, este nuevo formato me brinda mĂ¡s libertad creativa para expandir

The daughter-in-law dilema

 "Please don't look at me like that," Peter murmured, his voice shaking as his eyes avoided Andrew's fixed gaze, now on Clara's body. Andrew crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Don't you get it yet, Peter? I'm your wife... until one of us signs the divorce papers, that's what we're going to be, forever." Clara's soft voice was cold and sharp. "So while you insist on stalling, we'll just go on as it always has been. You and Clara." Peter rubbed his temples, as if trying to ward off the madness that hung in the air. "This... this is so strange, Dad. How do you expect us to make this work? And please tell me... how did Clara, my wife, agree to all this insanity? None of this makes sense!" He was on the verge of a breakdown, his thoughts caught between confusion and despair. Andrew, in Clara's elegant and delicate body, leaned forward, his lips curved in a smile that didn't match his young face. "Oh

Trading partners [part 2]

 Joseph looked down at his hands and saw perfectly manicured nails. “Oh my God, this really worked!” he exclaimed, his voice now softer and more feminine. As he tried to get used to his new body, a wave of sensations invaded Joseph. The lace of the lingerie Sofia had chosen was in direct contact with his skin, and he felt every delicate and silky texture. “It’s so different…” he thought, the sensation strange and, in a way, exciting. The weight of his bust was something he definitely didn’t expect. “Oh, this is… heavy!” Joseph exclaimed, looking in the mirror and realizing what it was like to have a female body. He felt the wind blowing in places that had never been exposed before, a feeling of vulnerability mixed with freedom. “My God, I can’t believe I’m doing this!” “You look amazing! Now head over to my place!” Sofia exclaimed, and together they set off for the meeting, while she gave him tips on what to do, where the tools were, and all the basic things he would need to do to have

Trading partners [part 1]

 Sofia was in her apartment, going through some old photos with friends, when she accidentally came across a picture of Joseph, her best friend, and Lucas, the guy she had always known Joseph had a secret crush on. “He really needs to get over this platonic crush,” she thought, laughing to herself. But when she looked closer, she noticed that Joseph looked completely dazzled in the photo, with a sparkle in his eyes that couldn’t go unnoticed. “He never had the courage to do anything about it.” At that moment, a crazy idea popped into her head. “What if I helped Joseph satisfy his curiosity?” Sofia knew Lucas was the kind of guy who loved women like her—confidently sexy, with a touch of daring. “But how would I do that?” Sofia remembered a friend who was developing an experimental study on consciousness. “Maybe I can convince him to do something extreme…” The idea seemed absurd, but the curiosity and the possibility of seeing Joseph in a new light were tempting. With her heart racing, s

Chaotic holidays

 The ship had been silent for days, each cabin occupied by people still processing the cosmic event that had switched their bodies. Don, now in the body of his young niece, had spent the last few days avoiding leaving his cabin, observing himself in the mirror, uncomfortable with the reality of the pink swimsuit that seemed to scream for attention. Tired of hiding, he finally opened his niece’s suitcase, determined to find something less conspicuous. “I just need something more… neutral,” he thought as he rummaged through the clothes. But after removing each item, he realized that his niece was clearly not a fan of understated options. “Nothing. Just dresses, skirts, and loud colors.” Sighing deeply, he looked down. “You know what? Screw it.” Instead of resisting the chaos, he decided to embrace it. With newfound confidence, Don left the cabin, walking across the deck toward the pool. The few people outside their cabins glanced at him, but didn’t dare look directly at him. With a deter

Hidden Reflections

 Joseph was restless. He was not the kind of man to seek outside help for his problems, much less for something as trivial as the annoyance caused by his secretary, Clara. She was impeccable at her work, always efficient, with a natural beauty that seemed effortless. And this irritated him in a way he could not explain. Deep down, he knew it made no sense. Clara never made mistakes, she was always friendly and discreet. But every time he saw her, he felt a twinge of discomfort, a strange desire to find a flaw that would justify his disdain. After many sleepless nights, with his thoughts consumed by this nameless irritation, Joseph decided to seek out a hypnotherapist. He did not really believe in the process, but he was willing to try anything to get rid of this feeling that seemed to take over his mind. In Dr. Marcos’s office, Joseph was feeling a bit skeptical. He didn’t believe that something as simple as hypnosis could solve his problems, but he was already there. “So, Joseph,” Dr.

Revenge is a dish best served now

Raul is sitting across from a woman who, to him, is simply irresistible. Her gaze has something hypnotic about it, and he finds himself lost in her presence. This woman is everything Raul has ever dreamed of: brunette, light-eyed, slim, with a body sculpted like an hourglass. She smiles in an almost mysterious way, and he feels a chill run down his spine. He can hardly believe that his lips have just touched those full, well-shaped lips, as if they were sculpted to be irresistible. His breathing is rapid, his heart pounding, as he tries to process the intensity of the moment. "I don't know how to explain it, but... I feel like I've known you for so long," he confesses, his voice breaking slightly. "It's like we were made for each other." The woman gently squeezes his hands, leaning forward with a look that moves between sweet and predatory. "Raul," she begins, her voice low and firm, "you've known me for much longer than you think.&quo

Family secrets

 Lucas opened his eyes, feeling a rising panic. He staggered to his feet and saw his mother's reflection in the mirror, but he knew it was him there. His mother, standing in the doorway, gave a soft, almost complacent smile. — Oh, Lucas, you're awake now. You must be confused. Don't worry, it's something I do from time to time — she said, with a frightening calm. Lucas ran his hands over his face, feeling the strange texture of skin that wasn't his. His heart was beating fast. — From time to time? What do you mean by that? Why am I... in your body? — Her voice was shrill, and the desperation grew with each second. She took a step forward, crossing her arms casually. Her eyes glinted with a certain mischief that Lucas had never noticed before. — Body swapping, dear. A simple trick I use to maintain my youth. Lucas blinked in disbelief and shook his head in denial. “Youth? That’s a joke, right? It can’t be real…” She laughed, a light sound that cut through the silence

Our New Bond: From Friend to Stepmother

 Henry and John had been inseparable since childhood. They shared secrets, adventures and dreams, creating a friendship that seemed impenetrable. However, fate had other plans. Henry's parents received an offer of work in a foreign country that they couldn't refuse, and the news was a hard blow for both boys. At the airport, as Henry was about to board the plane, John, with tears in his eyes, hugged his friend for the last time. "I just wish you didn't have to go," John whispered, his heart breaking. Henry, with a heavy chest, promised that they would keep in touch, but they both knew that nothing would be the same. As the plane took off, John watched until it disappeared over the horizon. Then he looked up at the sky and wished intensely that they could continue together, no matter what. On the plane, Henry closed his eyes, trying to sleep and distract himself from the feeling of loss. But when he opened them again, something was wrong. He was no longer on the pl